Whole Green Moong Dal – Banao https://banaofresh.com BANAO BANAO Sun, 17 Mar 2024 02:40:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://banaofresh.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/cropped-BICON-32x32.png Whole Green Moong Dal – Banao https://banaofresh.com 32 32 Banao Green Moong Dal 500 Gm https://banaofresh.com/shop/banao-green-moong-dal-500-gm/ https://banaofresh.com/shop/banao-green-moong-dal-500-gm/#respond Wed, 06 Dec 2023 20:43:45 +0000 https://banaofresh.com/?post_type=product&p=5377 Vegetarian product. Worlds best cardamom. Freshly Packed
Daily Available Stock   1000 Kg
Production Lead Time      
Packaging Est.Delivery Time (Week) (MOQ) Daily Available Stock
50 Gm  2-4 Weeks> 280  (Pc) 2800  (Pc)
 100 Gm 2-4 Weeks> 160  (Pc)  3200  (Pc)
 200 Gm 2-4 Weeks>  80  (Pc)  3200  (Pc)
 500 Gm 2-4 Weeks>  40  (Pc)  3200  (Pc)
Customized Sizes Bulk Order Negotiable  
 This is a Vegetarian product. Benefits
  1. Antioxidant and Diuretic Properties May Lower Blood Pressure 2. May Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds 3. May Protect from Chronic Diseases Thanks to Anti-Inflammatory Effects 4. May Help with Digestive Problems, Including Ulcers 5. May Treat Bad Breath and Prevent Cavities 6. May Have Antibacterial Effects and Treat Infections 7. May Improve Breathing and Oxygen Use 8. May Lower Blood Sugar Levels 9. Other Potential Health Benefits of Cardamom 10. Safe for Most People and Widely Available


Moong/mung bean or green gram dal are small, oval green coloured bean, scientifically termed as Vigna radiate, belonging to the family of legumes. Moong bean is a unique legume that absorbs the flavours of other spices and herbs while holding its purity. It is one of the richest sources of plant protein, available in different forms such as whole, split, de-husked (yellow) or ground. Green gram dal has been used since times immemorial for its food and medicinal values.

About the Product
Moong Dal is a healthy pulse that has high fibre content and a negligible amount of cholesterol and fats. Moong Dal is full of iron, calcium and protein. Along with these nutrients, a bowl of Moong Dal also contains dietary fibers, sodium and all the other nutrients that are required for your body.



Nutritional Facts
Calories: 212
Fat: 0.8 grams
Protein: 14.2 grams
Carbs: 38.7 grams
Fiber: 15.4 grams
Folate (B9): 80% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
Manganese: 30% of the RDI
Magnesium: 24% of the RDI
Vitamin B1: 22% of the RDI
Phosphorus: 20% of the RDI
Iron: 16% of the RDI
Copper: 16% of the RDI
Potassium: 15% of the RDI
Zinc: 11% of the RDI
Vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6 and selenium

It is rich in Vitamin A, B, C and E and also in many minerals including iron, calcium, and potassium.
It is considered a healthy weight loss food as it is a low-fat food rich in proteins and fibre.
It helps to lower the high cholesterol level in the blood system
Vitamins: It is rich in Vitamin A, B, C and E and also in many minerals including iron, calcium, and potassium. Not to forget it is a powerful source of vegetarian protein.
It good to Lose Weight: It is considered a healthy weight loss food as it is a low-fat food rich in proteins and fibre. It curbs cravings and keeps us full for a long time. It detoxifies the body and benefits the metabolism as well as the immune system.
Heart Friendly: It helps to lower the high cholesterol level in the blood system. Regular intake of Green Moong reduces bad cholesterol and improves the flexibility of arteries and veins. It also regulates blood pressure.
Controls Blood Sugar Level: Green Moong is full of complex carbohydrates in form of high fibre, which aids digestion. Complex carbs also stabilize blood sugar and control its sudden rise after a meal, while keeping the body’s energy at a balanced level. Green Moong can be highly beneficial for people having a high blood sugar level.
Anti-fungal, Anti-bacterial and Anti-Cancer: Green Moong contains Vitamin B-1, Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine). Regular consumption of diets rich in Vitamin-B6 helps you develop resistance against contagious agents that cause diseases. As per Ancient Chinese medicine, it also contains anti-cancer properties.
The rich array of essential nutrients and antioxidants in moong dal offers a magnitude of health benefits including improves heart health, stimulate digestion, regulate blood pressure and promote weight loss. Add this humble little bean in your regular diet to reap its many health and nutritional benefits.

https://banaofresh.com/shop/banao-green-moong-dal-500-gm/feed/ 0 5377
Banao Pea Dal Matar Dal 500 Gm https://banaofresh.com/shop/banao-pea-dal-matar-dal-500-gm/ https://banaofresh.com/shop/banao-pea-dal-matar-dal-500-gm/#respond Wed, 06 Dec 2023 20:43:45 +0000 https://banaofresh.com/?post_type=product&p=5378 Vegetarian product. Worlds best cardamom. Freshly Packed
Daily Available Stock   1000 Kg
Production Lead Time      
Packaging Est.Delivery Time (Week) (MOQ) Daily Available Stock
50 Gm  2-4 Weeks> 280  (Pc) 2800  (Pc)
 100 Gm 2-4 Weeks> 160  (Pc)  3200  (Pc)
 200 Gm 2-4 Weeks>  80  (Pc)  3200  (Pc)
 500 Gm 2-4 Weeks>  40  (Pc)  3200  (Pc)
Customized Sizes Bulk Order Negotiable  
 This is a Vegetarian product. Benefits
  1. Antioxidant and Diuretic Properties May Lower Blood Pressure 2. May Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds 3. May Protect from Chronic Diseases Thanks to Anti-Inflammatory Effects 4. May Help with Digestive Problems, Including Ulcers 5. May Treat Bad Breath and Prevent Cavities 6. May Have Antibacterial Effects and Treat Infections 7. May Improve Breathing and Oxygen Use 8. May Lower Blood Sugar Levels 9. Other Potential Health Benefits of Cardamom 10. Safe for Most People and Widely Available

From the Manufacturer
Pea dal or Matar dal is a common dal used in many indian and foreign recipes. Banao Pea dal or Matar dal is a product that brings you the best pulses handpicked so that there are no adulterants. Pea dal or Matar dal is more commonly known as pigeon pea and in combination with cereals, makes a well-balanced human food. In india, it is an important source of protein in a mostly vegetarian diet. In regions where it grows, fresh young pods are eaten as a vegetable in dishes such as sambar. Banao Pea dal or Matar dal is painstakingly cured to make sure the promise of quality is delivered to consumers. The polythene packaging does wonders when it comes to keeping the dal fresh. Moreover.They choose solutions to the pests and disease problems that affect their crops in a way that does not damage and destroy the planet. Their wisdom is proven so are their practices

Key benefits
No pesticides or harmful chemicals
Better nutrition – rich in antioxidants
Better taste
Better ecology
Sustainable -better planet for our children
Safe food
No water contamination
Farmers – better lives

10 reasons to go Banao
1. Protect children and your family members from cancer causing pesticides
2. Say goodbye to chemicals in your diet
3. Get the taste of health and nutrition
4. Reduce health risks with Organic purity
5. Eat foods adhering to international standards
6. Prevent water contamination as there are no chemicals pollutants in farming
7. Gain from the diversity of crops which is becoming a thing of the past
8. Help small farmers and eliminate middlemen to create sustainable livelihoods
9. Stay in harmony with nature

100 grams of cooked toor dal nutrition value, as per fat secret India:

Nutrient Quantity Per 100 Gram of Toor Dal

Energy 187 Kcal

Total Fat 3.08g

Saturated Fat 1.338g

Monounsaturated Fat 0.839g

Polyunsaturated Fat 0.508g

Carbohydrates 29.76g

Sugar 1.21g

Fibre 14.3g

Protein 11.42g

Sodium 273mg

Cholesterol 5mg

Potassium 532mg

https://banaofresh.com/shop/banao-pea-dal-matar-dal-500-gm/feed/ 0 5378